COVID-19 has been pestering the whole world with its threatening and life-taking presence, but it seems that the light we are hoping for will not be readily seen soon yet–because another strain of it has emerged.
The Threat of the Second Strain
The second strain of the virus is quicker than the previous ones. It is more contagious, but our experts are still investigating its infectiousness as the current we face is still on a puzzle, considering it as VUI (Variant Under Investigation).
The new strain of coronavirus shares the same symptoms present in the initial variant. If you are experiencing fever, a new and continuous cough, and a loss or change in smell and taste, you should self-isolate and be tested to ensure your health status.
The World Health Organization found more than 1,108 cases in the UK as of December 13. Scientists run tests confirming the strain by sequencing the genetic code. The variant was traced to the country of Kent in southeast England based on a retrospective analysis. In October, the variant rapidly spread over the region and dramatically increased through November, leading to the investigation and discovery of mutation by December 2020. More than half of the viral samples were sequenced and found to be with the new strain.
With the emergence of the new strain, experts are on their initiatives in determining the different biological properties of the virus and the possibility that it would alter the efficacy of the existing vaccines. The currently on use and authorized vaccines are Pfizer and Moderna–believed to work on new strain but needed further study to make sure. Also, experts claimed a meagre chance that one set of mutations could completely alter structures around the spike protein.
A peer-reviewed study by the Imperial College of London revealed that the new variant is common to the 10-19 age group, which alarms many since it will affect the face to face school set up, thus considering remote and distance learning.
Upon being aware of the new variant, countries implemented the tightening protocols on border restrictions. Experts emphasize the importance of increased surveillance, continued observance of the health protocols, wearing masks, frequent handwashing, proper cough etiquette, and physical distancing–which you should practice to be safe from contracting the virus.
Countries have how to recover from their economic aspect as the pandemic hits its progress fluctuate. Travel restrictions affected the business’ mechanisms and supply chains. There was a severe bottleneck flow of goods between countries. Experts see economic recovery would depend on vaccine distribution and its effectiveness. If it does not align with what we want that this crisis to end, the new expense will be spent on another set of vaccines that will work, worsening the state of the world economy.
Health Protocols We Must Practice
Our health is at risk and even more now after the emergence of the new variant of coronavirus. All we can do is to follow the health standards that would protect us from its threats. I have a rundown of safety protocols that may be helpful on your part.
- Wear a mask, and make sure you cover your nose and mouth. Masks help prevent you from getting infected with the virus and minimize at least the spread of it. Whether you feel sick or not, you can spread COVID-19. Wear masks, especially in crowded places, and when you think that you cannot maintain social distancing. Take note that a mask is not a substitute for social distancing.
- Maintain the 6-feet distance from others. Avoid close contact when you are sick or take space to sick people, following the 6-feet distancing rule. It would be best to remember that there are people infected by the virus but don’t display symptoms. Distancing is essential for those who are prone to sickness. Avoid being in crowds like restaurants, bars, fitness centers or movie theatres–these places have a high chance for you to contract the virus. Avoid spaces that don’t offer fresh air. If you are indoors open your doors and windows if possible.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water every 20 seconds after any circumstance to be safe. Consider these instances when you should wash your hands: before eating, before preparing food, before touching your face, after using a restroom, after leaving a public place, after sneezing or coughing, after taking care of someone sick, after touching animals and the list continues. You can use a hand sanitizer that should contain at least 60% alcohol. Cover all the surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Also, don’t touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands unwashed.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the insides of your elbow when you sneeze or cough. Also, don’t spit; aside from its gross, it helps in spreading the virus. Throw used tissues in bins. Again, wash your hands or sanitize after sneezing or coughing.
- Keep the things you frequently use or touch clean and disinfected. Keep the surfaces clean. Before disinfection, use detergent or soap and suggested to use household disinfectant.
Monitor your health daily. Guard yourself not to get symptoms. For more information, you can call a walk in clinic Edmonton from your home.
The news strain has been inducing fear in most people. The threats of the virus have been changing, upgrades each time–it’s a reminder that we, humans, should be trying to live not at our convenience but live within the new normal. Follow the health protocols. Keep yourself safe always.